Warehoused III. Oil painting, 2017. 34″ x 44″
Painted on location at the Running Horse Studio Collection in Irwindale, CA. Silent Screams evolved to a warehouse series, an allegory of the warehousing of immigrants.

Warehoused. Quill pen, ink, colored pencil, 2016. 18″ x 24″
Donor’s Choice Honorable Mention, Ink & Clay; Kellogg Art Gallery, 2016.
8th Annual Drawing Discourse Exhibition, University of North Carolina Asheville, 2017. Juror: Scott Noel.

Warehoused II. Charcoal, 18″ x 24″ Summer, 2016.
Displayed at the Verum Ultimum Art Gallery in Portland, Oregon, 2016. Sold.

Dead Horse. Inktense drawing over a ghost monoprint, 2016. 21″ x 29″ (sold)

Dead Horse. Monoprint, 2016. 21″x 29″

Dead Horse II. Water-based ink, Inktense, and colored pencil, 2016, 21″ x 29″ (sold)